Monday, October 27, 2008


Here are a few pics for your enjoyment. I forgot my camera so these few just came from the cell phone.

So I guess every year Cedar has what they call a sheep parade. I have never been and probably would not have ever gone except I have decided that I probably miss out on a lot of things in life because I think they are stupid. So for the next little while anything that I think is stupid I am going to try. Well........

The sad part is I went to the sheep parade and actually liked it. It was pretty entertaining and provided a lot of laughs. They not only paraded a 1,000 sheep down main street but also a very nice and long line of several different makes and models of tractors from small to big and some other random farm equipment(mostly I think that people just got in there farm equipment and showed up at the parade so they could be in it). I swear every sheep wagon in Cedar City and the surrounding areas, the diesels that haul the sheep, and.... guessed it- a bag pipe playing marching band. The parade was topped of with, no not candy! they actually threw out sheep wool(hahaha). It was pretty great experience. I guess this new experiment is paying off. I never thought I would attend a sheep parade let alone enjoy it. AWWW small towns:)
A few of the other events I was sad/glad I missed out on.
-Tractor pull
-Sheep dog event
-Dutch oven mutton
-Cowboy poetry


Kristina P. said...

I had no idea! I would totally go.

Rich and Brianne said...

How did I never know about this!! I would totally have gone, and dragged you with me long ago! Next time, you call, and I will be there. Also, I totally would have gone to all the other events you mentioned. I miss Cedar! What fun.

Cynthia said...

Go Sheep!!!

Trish said...

Looks like it would be intertaining. I bet my boys would love it.

The Fullertons said...

My boss at SUU was telling me about it and she loved it to! With such great reviews we may have to go next year.

Kristina P. said...

Where have you been lately, my friend? No new posts? No cute Halloween pictures to show us?

Anonymous said...

OK-So, you need to post something else. I am v. sick of the sheep parade thing! And where is the Halloween chipmunk this year? That just gave me a GREAT idea. In your honor, I think I might post the Chipmunk picture...the one of you skipping across the street...the one of you wrapped around the tree eating the leafs....Good times! MISS YOU!