Monday, October 13, 2008


Well we won the championship last Thursday night. We played at 6:30 and beat that team by 15 runs then we didn't play again until 9:30 for the Championship. We ended up playing the same team that we played at 6:30 but they had played us then another team so they were still warmed up and had a lot of batting practice in. They got a lot of runs on us and were ahead of us by 7 runs with time running out. Somehow we managed to put up 9 runs in our last at bat with all the time gone. They had last bats and we were only ahead by two. We got an easy out then a few people got on base. One run scored on a sacrifice fly, so we had two outs and were only ahead by one. luckily the last out came quick with no one on base. We won by one! we got another trophy and T-Shirts. Sorry the pic is blurry its from my phone so its not a great picture.


Kristina P. said...

Congrats!! That's awesome.

Derrek & Rilee said...

Yay! Way to go Sheena! How are things going?