Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Ok so I don't know if any of you have ever had the pleasure of driving northbound on I-15 comfortably cruising at a speed of 76mph between Beaver and Fillmore at 6:53 in the morning in a mini van, but if you have not your missing out! just as I was sitting in the back soaking in all the luckiness that had recently come upon me, my boss hits the breaks which immediately pulls me back to reality and totally freaks myself and another fellow employee out. She says "is that an animal?" as we frantically search back and forth and scan the area we see nothing! and could not figure out what she was talking about. She points into oncoming traffic and we all realized what she was looking at. The top of a semi coming up and over a hill! BAHAHA I was like "what you mean that big 18 wheel semi truck?" Seriously we laughed forever, I was a little scared for my life after that I'm not gonna lie. But in her defense and to validate her feelings, I posted some pictures so everyone could see how interchangeable these two things really are and how easily she could have mistaken one for the other(common mistake I'm sure). Good times. If any0ne is board or got a little extra time on their hands I highly recommend this experience. It creates laughs all day and I'm sure many in the future. I challenge all of you to try it and see if the same experience will happen. In honor of my lovely, outgoing, hard working, extremely organized and amazing boss. POP OFF!! Thanks for the laughs all day!


Kristina P. said...

I mean, really. Anyone could mistake a semitruck for a deer. I'm sure it happens all the time.

Tiffany said...

Wow! Your boss sounds way freaking, super Awesome! She must be MR!

kyla said...

Well I don't know about the whole animal thing but, i am wondering about this stroke of good luck that has come upon you. I have not heard any of that so call me and spread the news. It must be good to have you daydreaming.

Cynthia said...

Totaly common mistake I mean they are so Simular! Funny!