Monday, October 27, 2008


Here are a few pics for your enjoyment. I forgot my camera so these few just came from the cell phone.

So I guess every year Cedar has what they call a sheep parade. I have never been and probably would not have ever gone except I have decided that I probably miss out on a lot of things in life because I think they are stupid. So for the next little while anything that I think is stupid I am going to try. Well........

The sad part is I went to the sheep parade and actually liked it. It was pretty entertaining and provided a lot of laughs. They not only paraded a 1,000 sheep down main street but also a very nice and long line of several different makes and models of tractors from small to big and some other random farm equipment(mostly I think that people just got in there farm equipment and showed up at the parade so they could be in it). I swear every sheep wagon in Cedar City and the surrounding areas, the diesels that haul the sheep, and.... guessed it- a bag pipe playing marching band. The parade was topped of with, no not candy! they actually threw out sheep wool(hahaha). It was pretty great experience. I guess this new experiment is paying off. I never thought I would attend a sheep parade let alone enjoy it. AWWW small towns:)
A few of the other events I was sad/glad I missed out on.
-Tractor pull
-Sheep dog event
-Dutch oven mutton
-Cowboy poetry

Monday, October 20, 2008


Ok so on my way to work this morning at 5:40AM, I am trying to hurry so I won't be late. I take the back road where it is all dark, run down and basically pretty ghettto! I see a car coming toward me and it is flashing it's lights. Without even really thinking I started to stop. Then all the sudden the voice of reason came into my mind, yelling what are you doing? it's dark, there is no one around, and you are stopping for a car and have no idea who it is or what they want! I was already stopped at this point the the person was rolling down there very dark tinted window! (yikes!!!) I was freaking out at this point thinking, well I've finally done it! this is how I'm going to die! but I just sat there and didn't speed of like my human instinct was telling me to. Luckily it was a lady who was lost looking for the airport! whoosh. I tried to give her directions but she said she had been lost for awhile. I was already going to be late for work and knew she probably would not find it. She said "I beg of you"(sad, that totally suckered me in) So I led her there!(totally making me late for work being as my gas light was on and i had to stop and get gas too) she stopped me again and said "what do I owe you?" of course I said nothing. She said "o thank you, you are an angel" well that gave me the warm fuzzes:) I drove off feeling good and glad I stopped! But really that was a risky thing that I did. SO MY QUESTION, WHERE DO YOU DRAW THE LINE OF BEING A KIND HELPING CITIZEN OF SOMEONE IN NEED OR A CITIZEN THAT HAS THE "EVERYMAN FOR THEMSELVES" ATTITUDE? ANYONE?

Monday, October 13, 2008


Well we won the championship last Thursday night. We played at 6:30 and beat that team by 15 runs then we didn't play again until 9:30 for the Championship. We ended up playing the same team that we played at 6:30 but they had played us then another team so they were still warmed up and had a lot of batting practice in. They got a lot of runs on us and were ahead of us by 7 runs with time running out. Somehow we managed to put up 9 runs in our last at bat with all the time gone. They had last bats and we were only ahead by two. We got an easy out then a few people got on base. One run scored on a sacrifice fly, so we had two outs and were only ahead by one. luckily the last out came quick with no one on base. We won by one! we got another trophy and T-Shirts. Sorry the pic is blurry its from my phone so its not a great picture.

Tuesday, October 7, 2008


Ok so I don't know if any of you have ever had the pleasure of driving northbound on I-15 comfortably cruising at a speed of 76mph between Beaver and Fillmore at 6:53 in the morning in a mini van, but if you have not your missing out! just as I was sitting in the back soaking in all the luckiness that had recently come upon me, my boss hits the breaks which immediately pulls me back to reality and totally freaks myself and another fellow employee out. She says "is that an animal?" as we frantically search back and forth and scan the area we see nothing! and could not figure out what she was talking about. She points into oncoming traffic and we all realized what she was looking at. The top of a semi coming up and over a hill! BAHAHA I was like "what you mean that big 18 wheel semi truck?" Seriously we laughed forever, I was a little scared for my life after that I'm not gonna lie. But in her defense and to validate her feelings, I posted some pictures so everyone could see how interchangeable these two things really are and how easily she could have mistaken one for the other(common mistake I'm sure). Good times. If any0ne is board or got a little extra time on their hands I highly recommend this experience. It creates laughs all day and I'm sure many in the future. I challenge all of you to try it and see if the same experience will happen. In honor of my lovely, outgoing, hard working, extremely organized and amazing boss. POP OFF!! Thanks for the laughs all day!

Monday, October 6, 2008


The popper AHHHHHH!!!!The Dart gun

Well I don't have kids but I have pretty much been around them my whole life being the youngest of 6 kids and having 21 nieces and nephews. I know that parents mean well when they go to the store and want to find the perfect toy that they think their child will love and have so much fun with, or the child picks it out and wants it so bad and cries until the parent gives in and buys it. The funny part about this, is that parents don't really consider or think about what exactly they are buying sometimes. I know a lot of you parents can relate, you know they toys that make the same annoying sound over and over or the little popper thing they push around that has the balls that pop when they hit the thing in the middle(that toy makes me what to get a sledge hammer and go to town) so I'm sure by now you all have a vision in your head of the toys that annoy you to death. What then usually occurs is the kids are having a great time but the parents are about to pull their hair out and then start to get mad and the kids for playing with the toys. A perfect example of this, this last weekend I went home to visit my mom and she was babysitting the kids she had bought them these toy guns that shoot little dart things(at an unusually powerful force that should be reevaluated for a child's gun! I would know I got hit by several) anyway, they proceeded to run all over the house and shoot them at each other and at targets, well after a couple of hours my mom was trying to get them to "put the guns away and watch a movie" ha ha yea right they are little boys with toy guns that actually shoot things. She looked like she was about to lose it and start pulling her hair out and I started laughing and said "you can't buy them toys like that and then get mad at them when they play with them", we had a really good laugh after that about it . I have witnessed this several times and just think it is so funny. I personally blame the people who make the toys for not considering this to begin with, but since they don't, next time we want to put a smile on a child's face with the perfect toy I recommend really doing some research on they toy and how it is going to affect us 4 hours after we buy it. Just for everyone sake.

Please feel free to comment and tell me the toys that annoy you I would really like to make a list so that I never buy them for my children and then have to hear them cry when I take them away and smash them with a hammer into tiny pieces:)