Friday, September 26, 2008


Well since the Yankees cant make the playoffs, it's a good thing that my team can. I'm not the best one on the team in fact I'm probably closer to the worst one, but I get my good hits in every now and then so I feel like I contributed. This is me with our trophy. Last week we clinched the co-rec softball division and headed first place into the tournament. We won out first game tonight and avenged our only loss by like 15 runs! With the win we head right into championship night. Cross your fingers!!

Monday, September 22, 2008


Seriously this morning was pretty rough I can't believe its over! I know i'm probably over reacting but it's just sad. All the history and all the memories. The house that Ruth built is no more. I'm sure there will be many more memories and a lot more history made in the new one but it's hard to let go, I HATE CHANGE. I'm glad I had the oppertunity to visit there twice and sit in the Yankee dugout and visit the club house. Thanks Mo and the rest of the great Yankees for the memories!!!

Sunday, September 21, 2008


Well for all you baseball fans you know what I mean. Tonight was the last game ever played in Yankee Stadium:( In the last game Andy Pettitte got the win, Jose Molina hit the last homer and Mariano Rivera finished the Yankees' 7-3 win over the Orioles. Let's just say there were some tears. I put a few pictures for some memories.

This is what you see when you are coming out of the club house to the Yankee dugout. It says "I want to thank the good lord for making me a Yankee"
I'm gonna miss it but I'll probably enjoy the new one as well. It's even worse that they probably wont make the playoffs either. This will be the first time in who knows how long. SAD I KNOW!!

Monday, September 15, 2008



By Bryce R. Peterson
I thought this was a really good and sad story. It is a story about an older lady and her husband. It is told by her daughter. She said that one of her mom's complaints was that her dad would splash toothpaste all over the mirror when he brushed his teeth. It drove her mom crazy! and she couldn't let it go.
After her father passed away her mother missed him more than she thought she would. one day when the daughter visited, her mothers eyes turned watery and she told her daughter of a mistake she regretted. She reminded her of the toothpaste and how adamant she had been that her dad was so slothful in neglecting to clean up his mess. She had been so angry over such a small thing.
Her mother went on to say that after her dad died there had been toothpaste on the mirror. She had cleaned it off, the next day there was more so she cleaned it off, and the next day more... this went on for a few days. Her mother realized that she had blamed her dad for the toothpaste for many years but it had been both of them splashing it in the mirror. She felt terrible that she had been so upset about that for years. She admitted that her anger had hurt her much worse than it had affected her dad.
I liked this story because it shows you that everyone has faults and before we get angry about something someone else is doing we need to take a look at ourself and see what we are doing.

Monday, September 8, 2008


I was a little homesick today as I was setting at work. I know I only live an hour and a half away but I have not been home for like a month or so, and I was feeling like I needed to see the Mountains. If you are from there or a few of the surrounding areas you should recognize these mountains if not all three at least one. Anyway, just thought I would share one of my favorite pics of our backyard. (Its true, I'm a mommas girl)

Friday, September 5, 2008


Me, MJ, John taking of to the spoon room. Our group of spoon players.

So our friend Rachel came down this last weekend for her birthday and she is really someone I can roll with. She wanted to have a birthday week:) which most of my friends know we used to do that for me. So we decided to call it Rachie week. It has been pretty fun. This is Kacee me and Rachel at the bowling alley. not sure what is going on with my smile. We decided to play a wicked game of spoons. We wanted to make it a little more fun so we put the spoons in another room in the dark. Let's talk this got a little crazy cause as soon as someone got four of a kind it was a mad dash of running crazy pushing and all kinds of stuff. It was pretty much everyone for themselves. It was fun

So this is John and MJ attacking me because I grabbed both the spoons. I finally let go of one and John got away with it. But MJ was relentless.
Don't worry I finally came out with the spoon and a few wounds. I pretty much had the imprint of the spoon handle in my hand for the whole next day.
I am not sure if you can see the spoon that well but it was pretty bent up when me and MJ got done.