Saturday, June 28, 2008


Well for my second to last day of vacation I decided to surprise Selina and hit up here bridal shower! She was definitely surprised! When she got home she was crying because of all her ring drama(you can read her blog to find out about that) but I cheered her up! Selina, her Fiance Cameron, Melinda and I all went out to eat and had a good time. I really miss them! and I approve of Cameron he is awesome and will make Selina really happy!
Then on Sat we had the bridal shower. It was a lot of fun! Brianne was there and I have not seen her in 9 months! This picture was taken by someone setting down so we kind of look weird, and NO I am NOT pregnant I am just fat(just to settle the debate). Anyway the weekend was way fun and I loved seeing all my friends and catching up. The wedding count down is on!!


Me and Melinda getting ready to head downtown to Temple Square to see the Joseph Smith movie This is a pic of Joseph Smith Reading James chapter 1 verse 5 "If any of you lack wisdom let him ask of god......" It was also really neat to watch the movie of Joseph Smith that night because it was 164 years ago on June 27th that he and his brother Hyrum were murdered. For some reason being there on that night watching the movie made me appreciate him so much more if that is possible.
I love the Salt Lake Temple at night and thought everyone else could enjoy it too!
I also wanted to add in appreciation for Joseph Smith one of my favorite pics of him. This is him and Hyrum sitting in front of the Nauvoo temple talking. When I was in Nauvoo I fell in love with this statue, I could have just set behind it for hours and not moved.


While traveling back from Cedar on Monday the 23rd my niece shay and I saw this sunset and thought it was so pretty so we had to take a pic! We also took one of us as well its not the best but she wanted a better one of her to redeem herself from the sleeping Calf Creek picture:)

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Good ol Cannonville Utah

Just thought you would all like to see where I have been spending my vacation? Nope not on the beach! i'm not that lucky. Someday maybe. I have just been hanging out in good ol Cannonville Utah, population 137! 1 store! no stop lights, just a couple of yield signs! 1 park! and 1 tiny church with AC problems! gotta love small towns! DON'T BE JEALOUS!!

Friday, June 20, 2008


Well for day 3 I decided to hike calf creek falls. It had been like 15 years since I've been there, just enough time to forget just how bad it is. Well me , my niece Shay, and my two nephews Landyn and Austyn headed out and Austyn wore this ridiculous hat but I let him anyway. We started off with alot of energy but as we went on Shay and Austyn totally thought they were gonna die, it was pretty funny. I forgot just how hot it gets and how long it seems. I tried to tell the kids how long it was but they were up for it until about one mile down. We finally made it and played in the freezing water for a bit and headed the next 3 miles back. They all thought they were gonna die on the way back too! we were out of water and hot and can you say blisters!! which are already forming on my feet from those shoes!! but we made it! It was fun and I said well i'll probably be back in 15 years cause it will take me that long to forget. Shay said she wished she had not gone but was glad she made it. Austyn was just all about trying to fish in the river and lost his towel but don't worry we found it. Landyn said I was all energized at first and by the time we got back I was about on my hands and knees crawling! All in all a pretty good day, but I think I will hold out on that hike for awhile. At least until my blisters go away!!!o I wore these shoes because they were all I had and I didn't want to get the new ones I just bought for running, dirty. Not just because i'm stupid or like to hike in style, for all you wondering.

Off we go to begin the first 3 miles of our 6 mile hike, with the fishing nets and Austyn's french hat!

Well we made it to mile marker 10 and we had
5 more to go. I did not think they were gonna make

Fishing in the stream. They saw a water snake and tried to catch it until they lost sight of it and relocated it swimming through Austyns legs. Talk about a bunch of schools girls screaming and running.

On the way back they had to rest because they thought they were gonna die!!!

The Falls


Thursday, June 19, 2008


Well so far all iv done is watch tv! I am trying to think of things to do so I at least feel like I got to do something so who knows. I have definatly got some good tv in though.

Monday, June 16, 2008


Ok so I lied my blog is still going to be lame! I was using a freinds frequent flyer miles to go to DC. Well she called today and said that United Airlines called her and asked how we were related and she said she tried everything in the book but they would not let her use the ticket for me. So they refunded her miles and if i wanted to use the ticket then it would be around $500 dollars!!! so now I have almost two weeks of work off and nowhere to go!!!!! two days before my vacation!!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

Sorry my blog is lame right now but soon it will get better. I am going to D.C. on Wed the 18th until Tues the 24th so hopefully i will have some more pics.