Tuesday, March 10, 2009

A BIG.......

I just wanted to say thanks to everyone for their comments on my last post. I had a little vent session. I do try to keep in mind that people just care and that's why they ask. So again thanks and I will keep an open mind when that question comes along which it has been increasing in the last weeks due to one of my best friends getting married next weekend!! can't wait for the wedding reception where unmarried people are targets for those people who just want to know "what you have been up to and why you are not married,but all your friends are?" and I am sure I will get it about 527 times:) I will remain calm and simply answer "I just haven't found someone that can put up with me yet" (which really means I just haven't found someone good enough yet, but people think I am a high maintenance broad when I say that) so I will keep it simple to avoid a longer discussion:) so excited!!!


Anonymous said...

Well, just remember, you seemed to disappear when my bouquet was thrown...I'm expecting the same thing to happen at Melinda's reception. CANT WAIT TO SEE YOU! YAY!

aelster02 said...

So hey.........when are you getting married??? Haha I love you!!! Please don't be mad @ me:) I couldn't help myself.