Monday, February 16, 2009


I just wanted to address a few questions that I frequently get asked and I think my friend Kyle says it best, so below is the answers to some questions so people can stop wondering or asking:) You have now been warned and this is your last chance to stop reading if you don’t want an ear full. Okay I tried to warn you…..Okay people. This has been on my mind a lot and thanks to a few of my fellow co-workers it has got me a little wound up. First off let me address the married people that got married right out of high school. I am so happy that you found your “true love” in high school and may your life be nothing short of a fairy tale. BUT that is not how it happens for everyone. I know you are just trying to be nice, but there is never a time to ask someone, “why aren't you married?” NEVER! To me, that is like asking someone, Why are you so fat? Yeah there is probably a reason, but it still doesn't make it right.
This hasn't really bugged me until the last couple of months. I get the question, “why aren't you married?” at least once a week and that's just by one co- worker. After hearing this over and over, I finally just said I rather find the right one the first time, then the wrong one and get divorced! That got her silent for a few minutes as this hit a little too close to home. Plus I have seen too many people get married too young and feel like they missed out on too much and result in acting like a teenager in their forties. You know the people I am talking about. The ones that want to hang out with the daughter and all of her friends. The mom that wears the tube top and daisy dukes, that shouldn't’t EVER wear one or own one for that matter. Let’s just say if it takes two tube tops to go around you, maybe a tube top is not your best option. Or if you have to cut Levis into daisy dukes, because you just can’t find your size. You shouldn't wear them…EVER!
I just get sick of everyone worried about me not being married.WHY DO YOU CARE?! I know you just “want me to be Happy,” but if that is true then send me on vacation or better yet, bother someone else with your dumb questions, that is what would make me happy.
Now for the reasons I am fat. I eat too much, I eat late at night. I eat right before I go to bed. I love candy. I don’t exercise enough. I eat past the full feeling and to the point of getting sick. I eat because I can. I eat because I am worth it. I eat when I am sad. I eat when I am mad. I eat when i'm, happy. I eat to celebrate. I eat when I am stressed. I eat greasy food. I love cheese. I love bacon. I think everything taste better with cheese or bacon. I want to eat just writing about food. Well I gotta go, I am getting hungry. As always have a good week! Until next time!


Kristina P. said...

I have friends in their 30s who aren't married, and I ask that question to myself because they are great women and some guy should have swooped them up a long time ago!

But do people think that you really have control over that? People are ridiculous.

Trish said...

Sheena, I have known you for a long time and although we don't see each other often I remember you from a little girl. I will always have a fond place in my heart for you and Dallas, you were both such cute kids. Don't ever let anyone make you feel bad for not being married. I think people get married to young, I was one of them. Although my marriage is great now, I'm sure you know I went through a rough patch a few years back and Ty and I actually separated for about a year and a half. A lot of people don't get married or start their families until they are into their 30's. You deserve the best and it's okay that it doesn't happen right out of high school. I wish I had your college education. Hold your head up high and be proud of everything you are and every choice you make. I love ya and I know you'll find that special someone. You are doing what a lot of people don't do, you have your education, you are fullfulling dreams, you probably know exactly who you are and what you want. When it does happen and you meet that someone and have a family I truly believe you will be that much better of a wife and mom for the things you have learned and all that you are doing. In the mean time keep living life to the fullest and have lots of great experiences.

Cynthia said...

For heavens Sakes YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!
And as for not being married, that will come when and if you are ready and you are right it isn't any ones buisness, I'm sorry you are being bugged about it!

But hey you are comeing up to visit us this summer right? I can't wait it'll be so much fun!

The Fullertons said...

Yeah, I'm definitely seconding the "YOU ARE NOT FAT!!" comment. Although I'm totally with you on how much better things taste with bacon and cheese (and usually some sour cream...)

Oh, and just wait for the right lobster you know no one wants you to just settle :~)

Anonymous said...

Srsly, you are not fat! Stop saying that. And I personally think that everything tastes better with Bacon and Cheese as well, but you already know that! I miss you and I want to see you! And you know what to tell those people who keep asking you that stupid question....just give them the Monica and Ross signal....LOVE YA!

Emilee said...

Hey what about the gauc?!? I think it's time for you to head this way and have some chips and dip and let's veg out. I hate winters becuase I feel like that's all I do is eat. Don't be so hard on yourself, you're not fat and as for marriage there is a season for everything and when your season is here everything will fall perfectly into place, plus men are high maintance (even if they don't think so) so just have fun and enjoy the season your in now. We don't get back are yesturdays, always remember that! Luv ya!

Rich and Brianne said...

I too think everything tastes better with cheese and bacon!

And sorry that people have no tact!

Steph said...

Bad week? I don't think you are fat either, hey we all like to eat right.

Cherity said...

Sheena! I can't tell you how much I loved this post! I married very young and although I adore my husband, I do wish we would have waited (even though we still dated for 2 years before we got married). Still, your life is your own, and you shouldn't comply to the "Mormon standard" when it comes to your happiness. I think that most young and married Mormon girls are living in denial of what there lives truly are-a wreck!! Marriage is a lifetime commitment that should not be rushed!! And just a side note YOU ARE NOT FAT!!!

aelster02 said...

Holy crap I almost peed little reading this post. I knew you were funny........Thanks for that. I needed a good laugh. And as for the being fat comment.......give it a rest!!! P.S. Love, Love, love the Christmas outfit, I have one just like it:)

kyla said...

Well crap now I want something with cheese and bacon and sour cream and guacamole. Hello we all like to eat and eat too much and eat over the full limit. Isn't that the chynoweth family trait hey I know let's eat. That was alwyas the moto. But really I think people just care about you and don't want you to be alone. But sometimes we all forget that being alone is not always a bad thing. Sure you want marriage and kids and it will happen. Your'e a great catch and just because some stupid boy was to dumb too realize that doesn't mean that one day someone wont. Until then enjoy your freedom and learn who you really are because when it does happen their is never time for yourself or your wants. Get it in now. One last piece of advice. Do you remember norm at rubys. One day I was having a really bad day and he said this to me I think of it often when I am upset. Sorry you might need to sensor this. (DON'T LET THE BAST#@DS GET YOU DOWN) iT WORKS ...lOVE YA SIS. YOUR WORTH A MILLION!!!!!

Sylvia said...

Sheena I LOVE your post I totally remember going through the same thing I got so sick of being called an OLD MADE and being asked the same ?. Enjoy the sigle life and the freedom you have you are still YOUNG and dont need to rush into anything. It's just a Utah thing that you have to be married at 18.

Sylvia said...

p.s. I hope you dont care that I check out your blog.

Steph said...

Me again. Kyla's comment made me cry. It is true that some boy let the catch of his life go and I don't know why? (and neither do my kids)but I am still hopeing that he is gonna wake up one day and decide that he can't live without you, but if he doesn't I know that someone is going to, someone is going to know that you are just what they need. I love you too.

Crystal said...

Shiz, I want to try everything with bacon and cheese now!! Oh my word you are still funnier than ever! I freakin love you!! AND WHAT THE HELL, YOU ARE NOT FREAKING FAT!!! I have ALWAYS thought you were so pretty and talented, (like your a so funny, who is this funny really?) My brother in law get's the, "Why aren't you married" question every day... It happens when it happens. Sorry people are stupid!!

Brian and Megan said...

Sheena you definately have a way with words. I'm sure people will get the message. And when Mr. Right does come along let me know!! By the way I think you look great!!

Derrek & Rilee said...

I can't add much because everyone before me has said it all, but the questions never stop! After you get married they'll ask you when your gonna have a kid, and then when your gonna have another. People are relentless! And you are so awesome Sheena! You are one of the nicest, funniest and cool people I have ever met!

Nate & Elisa said...

Wow, that blog got some comments :-).....Plus if you want to get married you can just have my husband! hee hee

Wanna go to mequite with me. I am going to make all the girls take me on a night out! SO GET READY...I'll let you know when.