Sunday, June 14, 2009


Well we had our yearly cow herd where all the family comes home and we mark the calves so we know they are ours. We had a lot of people there. We had Steph & Clint and their 5 kids, Derrick & Ashlie and their 6 kids (Shay was up north), Kyla & Ron and their 6 kids, Dallas and 2 of his kids as Emilee did not make the trip due to recovering from having their baby and Westyn stayed home to help her. Then their was ME, and my mom and dad. So we had quit a crew. Also we had a bunch of Chynoweth cousins that came to help. It was a lot of fun and we love to do it every year. I took a lot of pictures because I was the only one with a camera. I guess when your a mom and you have 3 or 4 kids you start to forget little things like cameras :) way to many other things to worry about. I only put a couple of pictures on here but I put about 80 on facebook if you wanna check those out. If you have a weak stomach you might want to stay away from a few of them:) poor Ashlie (Derricks Fiance at the time, wife now:)) is still recovering from what she saw.

These are in not particular order.

Everyone just resting after we got them where we were going.

This is on my dad's property in Horse Valley, there is a little indent in the side of this sand stone Mt, and he wants us all to eventually carve our names in there, of course I was the first one to start being as I am the most important and loved child:) I just need to add my last name and then make it deeper.

Me and Landyn just hanging out

This is Trey, Clint, and Dallas. Derrick is on the other side. Everyone else was either walking, riding the 4-wheelers or riding in the trucks.

We not only herded the cows but we had to herd all the kids as well, so we just loaded them all in the back of the truck so we could move them from place to place.

This is dad and Shawn

This is my dad about ready to cut out some rocky mt oysters. Shawn wanted to make sure we got this documented. Thanks Shawn

This is me and my mom


Anonymous said...

Srsly, that is a lot of kids!

Steph said...

Um, I did have my camera thanks, it's just that I have no time to blog or up load pictures any more, who knows when i will have the time again!

Shawn said...

That all looks good except for the picture of me. You should have left that out. The one of you and your dad holding the calf down is good. Must have been a great photographer taking the picture!:) That was a great day and glad all guys were there.