Tuesday, December 2, 2008


Ok so I have nothing new going on in my life. I just work and that's about it, Sorry I know I'm super boring. I was talking with my friend Derrik this last weekend and we were saying how we hate it when people ask us whats new? Cause we have nothing to tell them. I basically got a second job so I would have something to say:( sad I know. So since I have no big exciting news unlike my friend Melinda (wink wink) I guess I'll go with some lame stuff. I decided to learn sign language, so my friend is teaching me, I borrowed a DVD from my brother-in-law of how to teach myself to play the guitar, I got to see all my old friends on Sunday so that was awesome, and the last lame thing I did...... you know when you are trying to say something and your mouth is moving faster than your brain, and then something comes out backwards or messed up. Well my friend took my phone away from me the other night when I was texting someone and I yelled to him "hey! I was the important of a middle conversation!" we all stopped and then cracked up laughing. Wow I was like, "who thinks I'm awesome right now? let me try that again. I was in the middle of an important conversation."

So that's all I have for now. I encourage any stories anyone would like to share with me about some crazy funny things they might have said. Until something else exciting happens.........


Kristina P. said...

Glad to see you around! I can't believe that a fun, young girl like yourself has a boring life!

And the sign language is cool.

kyla said...

I didnt tag you on my blog but I tag you here. go to my blog for details it's kind of a fun one.