Saturday, October 10, 2009


I decided I better put some things down that I was grateful for being as when winter like weather shows up I tend to really be a Negative Nelly. Here is my sad attempt.

1. I am grateful for baseball playoffs and the Yankees, without which October would be lumped in the worst months category.

2. I am grateful for soda without which I would not make it through most days or meetings.

3. I am grateful for my family because they love me no matter how grumpy I get, they are so polite and just tell me not to come around till I cheer up, so I will be very excited to see them all in April:)

4. I am grateful for my roommates, who let me live with them and tease them relentlessly

5. I am grateful for Ashley when she flips the breaker with her heater, because she reminds me what it would be like to not have power and how to be prepared if the lights suddenly went out while I might be doing things that could be dangerous. like shaving.

6. I am grateful for Kacee and all her many cooking adventures, she really knows how to make new recipes, my dad was very grateful he didn't have to buy salt lick for his cows this year he just used some loaves of Kacee's bread.

7. I am grateful for Cassie and how she holds leverage over my head so she can stay in the COT, this teaches me that I should not kick people out on the spur of the moment and that I should consider what they can do for me first. well played cleave well played.

8. I am grateful for my other friends who day after day wake up and decide they still want to be friends with me.

9. I am grateful for the guys who park their 4-wheeler and motorcycle, and truck which is a trash can on wheels right in front of our house so I have to park down if front of someone elses house, this teaches me to be forgiving, and work on my anger by not pushing his bike over or letting the air out of the tires, and I get a little excercise, I guess we both win.

10. I am grateful for floor burns on my elbow so that every time I put my arm down and wince in pain I can remember that I am 27 not 16, the next time I decide that I want to throw my body across the gym floor in an attempt to save a ball when we are losing by ten anyway!

This is not the list for the Month or even the week, its basically for the moment I was writing this, it could change tomorrow I will keep you posted.

Wednesday, October 7, 2009

Whats new? o wait nothing

I think they are about to shut down my blog because it has been non active for so long! j/k, a lot of it due to the fact that nothing new ever happens, I don't have a computer at home, and I usually just put most of it on facebook. Anyway I will try and get better at updating what is going on, mostly I work and then work some more so nothing to exciting to report.