Friday, November 14, 2008


Yes, everyone I am still around. I guess that's how you find out that people really care and start to wonder if you are still around, just don't post anything on your blog for a couple weeks and people start asking questions.

I have been super busy this last little while so I have kind of dropped out of site. I work two jobs these days, I still work at the Residential Treatment Center for girls and I also work at the Crisis Center. I have been running back and forth between those jobs and it keeps me pretty busy, plus my laptop decided it had enough and quit working in addition to the Internet not working all last week at the treatment center. This is pretty much why I have not posted anything. Plus I really didn't have anything to post.

This week I have been at a 40 hour training to become an Advocate for victims of Rape or Sexual Assault for the Crisis Center. I am really excited about this and think it will be something I will enjoy doing. I am also going to start volunteering for the SUMCT which is the Southern Utah Mobile Crisis Team. They pretty much get dispatched when the police get a call and we go on site for Domestic Violence, Child Abuse, Rape, Homicide, Suicide calls, and anything else they might need us for. Our job is to be and advocate for the victims. We are there to support them and help them with their needs while the Police department handles the other stuff. I will also be responding to hospital calls for victims of Rape or Sexual Assault to help them through the process, provide resources, answer questions, and anything else they need. I am volunteering so I can get experience and then hopefully I will be able to get a job when the funds are available. I am also looking into doing a few ride alongs with the Police Department. I am really excited and think this will be fun.

I will try not to be absent so long from blogging, and try and do something exciting and fun so I can post.

O and PS I finally watched the office and it is like my new favorite show.{THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!! :) }